Academic school Calendar
Stay informed
We encourage families to use the calendar below to view weekly, monthly and seasonal school events, holidays, etc.
For more information about our festivals, please visit our School Festivals page.
at a Glance Events & Info 2024-2025
8/31 School Beautification Day 9am-2pm
8/31 Grade 2 Picnic 2pm
9/3 All-School Party at Ithaca Swim Club 10am-1pm
9/4-6 HALF DAYS - onboarding of new Grade 5-8 students 12:30-3pm
9/4 First Day Assembly for Grades students and families 8:30-9:30am
9/4 First day of school (Grades)
9/5 First day of school (EC)
9/11 EC Parent Meeting 6:30-7:30pm
9/12 Grade 1 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
9/16 Board Meeting 5-7pm
9/17 Grade 2 Parent Meeting 6pm
9/19 Community Sing 2:45pm
9/20 Last Day to vote for IWS in Best of Ithaca
9/22 IWS at Porchfest Ithaca 4-5pm, 114 Dey St
9/23 Grade 5-6 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
9/24 Grade 7-8 Parent Meeting 7pm
9/25 Magic Class (After School Program) begins
9/27 Festival of Courage (in-school, students only)
9/28 Welcome Dance/Swap/Potluck 5-7pm
9/30 Fall session of Monday Parent Child Class begins
10/1 Grade 3-4 Parent Meeting 4pm
10/3 Parent Council Family Social at Firelight 3-6:30pm
10/4 Rosh Hashanah - NO SCHOOL
10/7 All School Meeting, 6-7:30pm
10/8 School Picture Day
10/11 School Picture Day (rain date)
10/12 Fall session of Saturday Parent Child Class begins
10/14 Indigenous People Day - NO SCHOOL
10/17 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
10/21 Board Meeting 5pm
10/18 Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
10/31 Halloween - in-house, grade students only
11/1 Dia de los Muertos (in-school, students only)
11/6 EC Lantern Walk
11/7 Parent Teacher Conferences - half day, dismissal at 12:30pm
11/8 Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
11/11 Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL
11/14 Grade 1 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
11/18 Elves’ Faire Prep Playdate
11/18 Board Meeting 5-7pm
11/21 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
11/20 Grade 2 Parent Meeting 6pm
11/24 Elves’ Faire Prep Playdate
11/27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
12/6 Winter Spiral
12/13 Santa Lucia - in-house celebration
12/14 Elves’ Faire
12/17 Winter Concert
12/20 Winter Assembly - HALF DAY
12/21 - 1/5 Holiday Break - NO SCHOOL
12/21 Singing to the Cows 5pm
1/6 Back to school
1/14 Bridge to 1st Grade Parent Meeting
1/15-16 Bridge to 1st Grade visiting days
1/20 MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
1/23 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
1/23 Grade 7/8 Parent Meeting 7pm
1/24 MLK Assembly
1/27 Board Meeting 5-7pm
1/29 Chinese New Year (in-school, students only)
1/29 Grade 3/4 Parent Meeting 5:30pm
1/30 Grade 5/6 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
2/6 Coffee House 6 - 8pm
2/13 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
2/17 - 2/21 Winter Break
2/24 Board Meeting 5-7pm
2/27 Grade 2 Parent Meeting 5:30pm
3/4 EC Parent Meeting 6:30-7:30pm
3/8 Open House 10-11am
3/13 Parent Teacher Conference - half day, dismissal at 12:30pm
3/14 Parent Teacher Conference - NO SCHOOL
3/17 Board Meeting 5-7pm
3/19 Beating of the Bounds 3-4:30pm
3/20 Nowruz Persian New Year (in-school, students only)
3/20 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
4/4 Professional Development Day EC ONLY - NO SCHOOL for EC
4/11 Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL
4/14 - 4/18 April Break
4/21 Board Meeting 5pm
4/24 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
4/24 Grade 3/4 Parent Meeting 4pm
4/29 Grade 5/6 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
5/3 May Faire
5/9 Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day
5/9 8th Grade Project Presentations
5/19 Board Meeting 5-7pm
5/19 Ithaca Festival Parade prep playdate
5/21 Grade 2 Parent Meeting 6pm
5/22 Community Sing 2:45-3pm
5/22 Grade 1 Parent Meeting 6:30pm
5/26 Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
5/27 Ithaca Festival Parade prep playdate
5/29 Ithaca Festival Parade 6pm (gather at 5:15)
6/5 Summer Concert 6pm
6/13 Last Day of School, dismissal at 12:30pm
6/14 Graduation of Class of 2025
6/16-20 NEW Extra Summer Program Week for IWS families
6/19 Juneteenth - SCHOOL CLOSED